Nemesis Now
Magical Mischief
Magical Mischief
The Magical Mischief figure from Nemesis Now is the perfect addition to any collection for those who appreciate the magical arts. This whimsical piece features a purple witches hat that has been playfully torn at by five mischievous black kitten familiars. Each of these adorable feline companions can be seen peeking through the holes created, adding a touch of enchantment to the scene. At the base of the figure, there is a larger kitten adorned with a gold pentacle around its head, symbolizing its occult nature as a familiar. This larger kitten is seen attempting to crawl out from the underside of the hat, adding a sense of movement and excitement to the piece.
Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, the Magical Mischief figure is made from the finest resin and hand-painted with care. This ensures that every aspect of the figure, from the intricate details on the kittens to the vibrant colors of the hat, is brought to life.
Measuring at 13 x 12 x 14cm, this figure is the perfect size for display on a shelf, desk, or any other surface. Its compact size allows it to fit seamlessly into any collection, while still making a statement with its playful yet mystical charm.